Workshop dealing with stress

Looking for strategies to improve your team’s stress management and resilience? Look no further! In addition to individual programs, Touch of Wellbeing offers a workshop, specifically designed for companies, that gives employees insight into stress and teaches them how to deal with it effectively.

Workshop on dealing with stress.

How do you deal with stress?

Stress is a natural response to challenges in work and personal life, but it is important to manage it effectively. At Touch of Wellbeing, we understand that managing stress is an essential skill for maintaining a healthy work environment and boosting productivity. Discover our different workshops and the key points they cover. Together, we will tackle your stress management!

We offer two types of workshops on stress management:

In an era where work pressures and professional challenges often lead to increased stress levels, Touch of Wellbeing recognises the critical importance of effective stress management within businesses. We offer two comprehensive workshops, specifically designed to support organisations in understanding, addressing and transforming workplace stress into resilience and increased productivity.

1. Workshop on dealing with stress of ½ day to 1 day

Basic concepts and tools for stress management

Our compact workshop is an excellent introduction to the concept of stress and its impact on the individual and the work environment. In this session we will delve into the essence of stress and explore the basic principles of stress management. Participants will:

  • Gain insight into what exactly stress is, how it manifests itself and what the common causes are.
  • Discover personal stressors through a thorough analysis of one's own experiences and reactions in stressful situations.
  • Receive tools to effectively deal with stress. These practical tools are directly applicable and are aimed at both prevention and reduction of stress.
  • Learn simple relaxation techniques that can be integrated into daily life to promote overall well-being.

Who is this workshop ideal for?

This session is ideal for teams who want to take a first step in collectively improving their stress management and promoting a positive working environment.

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2. Workshop on dealing with stress of 2 to 3 days

In-depth analysis and training in resilience

For organizations seeking a deep understanding and comprehensive approach to stress management, we offer an intensive 2-3 day workshop. This program is designed to delve deeper into personal stressors and energy drains, and provides comprehensive strategies for developing resilience. In this workshop:

  • Participants thoroughly analyze their personal stressors and identify the main sources of stress in their life and work.
  • We delve into the psychology of stress and how it affects thinking, behavior and performance at work.
  • Participants develop personal stress management strategies through self-reflection and group discussions.
  • Participants will learn advanced relaxation techniques and resilience methods aimed at long-term change and sustainable improvements.
  • Participants receive concrete tips and exercises specifically aimed at strengthening personal resilience.

Who is this workshop ideal for?

This workshop is particularly valuable for teams and organizations committed to a thorough approach to stress management and promoting a resilient, supportive corporate culture.

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Workshop on dealing with stress.

Frequently Asked Questions about our Stress Management Workshops

Read the most frequently asked questions about our stress management workshops here.

  • Is the stress management workshop suitable for all levels within the company?

Yes, absolutely! The ‘Dealing with Stress’ workshop is designed to be flexible and accessible for all levels within the organization. Regardless of position or department, the content of the workshop can be fully customized to meet specific needs. This means that the workshop can be tailored both in content and practice for different groups, such as employees, managers or executives. The goal is to provide everyone with the tools and insights needed to effectively deal with stress, in order to create a healthier and more productive work environment.

  • Can the workshop be adapted to the specific needs of our company?

Absolutely! As mentioned above, our workshop 'Dealing with Stress' is very flexible. The workshop can be customized both in content and in practice.

  • Where will this workshop be held?

Our stress management workshops are conducted in-company.

Any other questions about this workshop?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We will provide you with an answer as soon as possible.

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For 25 years we have been able to make many employees in many companies happy. A selection of our references :

Workshop dealing with stress

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