Stress coach

Discover the world of stress coaching at Touch of Wellbeing, where we are committed to your inner peace and health. We understand the impact that stress can have on your life, and we are here to support you on your path to personal growth and wellbeing.

Stress coach.Touch of Wellbeing.

What is stress?

Stress is your body’s response to challenging situations. It can occur when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or pressured by things like work, school, or personal problems. Stress can be both physical and mental, and it can cause a variety of symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, irritability, and trouble sleeping. It’s important to find ways to manage stress, such as making time to relax, exercising regularly, and adopting healthy coping strategies.

What are the symptoms of stress?

The symptoms of stress can be both physical and mental. Some common symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Muscle pain or tense muscles
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
  • Stomach complaints or digestive problems
  • Irritability
  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Restlessness or nervousness
  • Concentration problems
  • Changes in appetite, such as overeating or decreased appetite

Find peace and balance: Stress coaching at Touch of Wellbeing

Are you suffering from stress? Do you feel overstrained or exhausted? Then stress coaching at Touch of Wellbeing is exactly what you need. Our coaching program is designed to guide you in understanding your situation and, more importantly, to help you take steps towards a life in which you can shine again.

"Become happier, more vital and more energetic again: it is possible!"

What can you expect from our stress coaching?

  • Discover what causes you stress.
  • Learn to listen to your body's signals.
  • Make more conscious choices for your well-being.
  • Learn to relax more effectively when needed.
  • Develop strategies to deal with challenging situations.
  • Learn to think positively and solution-oriented.
  • Learn to set your boundaries in a healthy way.

The benefits of stress coaching:

  • Experience more energy and vitality.
  • Increase your resistance to stress.
  • Transform stress into resilience.
  • Enjoy better sleep.
  • Replace worrying with constructive thinking.
  • Improve your overall well-being.
  • Go through life relaxed and happy.

Where can I get stress coaching near Aalst?

Our stress coach is located in Hoegaarden. You have the option to receive coaching in our office or online. Our office is located at Henri Dotremontstraat 8, 3320 Hoegaarden . For companies we make an exception and offer the option to come on site.

Stress coaching.

Frequently asked questions about stress and stress coaching

  • How is stress different from regular tension?

While tension is a normal response of the body to challenging situations, stress can occur when tension becomes prolonged and overwhelming. Want to learn how to better manage stress and prevent it from escalating? Contact us for coaching and guidance.

  • What are the risk factors for developing stress?

Risk factors for developing stress include high work pressure, lack of control over work, lack of support from colleagues or supervisors, lack of recognition for work performance, unclear expectations, and work-life imbalance. Want to learn how to recognize and reduce risk factors for stress? Contact us for advice and support.

Receive advice

  • How can I avoid getting stressed?

It is crucial to recognize early when pressure is starting to build and to take proactive steps to deal with it. By creating awareness around stressors and developing effective coping mechanisms, you can effectively combat stress in the future. If you would like to learn more about how to prevent and manage stress, please do not hesitate to contact us for coaching and training. During these sessions, you will not only be provided with practical techniques to manage stress, but also gain insight into your own stress patterns and how to deal with them.

  • What is the difference between a stress coach and a psychologist?

A stress coach focuses specifically on helping individuals manage stress and promote well-being. They help clients identify stressors, develop effective coping strategies, and adopt healthy lifestyles.

In contrast, a psychologist treats a wider range of psychological conditions and issues, including depression, anxiety disorders, and trauma. They use a variety of therapeutic approaches to help individuals improve their emotional and psychological well-being. Looking for professional guidance on how to manage stress and anxiety? Contact us to learn more about our stress coaching services and how we can support you on your journey to recovery and well-being.

Start Stress Coaching Other questions? Contact us!

Stress coaching with Touch of Wellbeing

Stress coach

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