Burn out coach

Welcome to Touch of Wellbeing. We strive to restore your inner balance and well-being. A burnout has a major impact on your life. Therefore, let us support you on your journey to recovery and resilience.

Burn out coach.Touch of Wellbeing.

What is a burnout?

Burnout is a severe form of work-related stress characterized by physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. It occurs when someone is exposed to high levels of stress for a long period of time, without adequate rest or recovery. Essentially, the body and mind become exhausted from excessive pressure and strain, making normal daily activities increasingly difficult to perform. Burnout can affect various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and overall well-being.

What are the symptoms of burnout?

Symptoms of burnout can vary from person to person, but may include:

  • Persistent fatigue and exhaustion, even after periods of rest.
  • Decreased resilience and energy to perform tasks.
  • Emotional symptoms such as irritability , mood swings, and feelings of hopelessness.
  • Physical complaints such as headaches, muscle pain, stomach complaints and sleep problems.
  • Decreased concentration and memory problems.
  • Withdrawal from social activities and isolation.
  • Loss of interest and satisfaction in work or other activities that previously brought pleasure.

Where can I get burnout coaching?

Our burnout coach is located in Hoegaarden. You have the option to receive coaching in our office or online. Our office is located at Henri Dotremontstraat 8, 3320 Hoegaarden . For companies we make an exception and offer the option to come on site.

Recovery and growth: Burnout coaching at Touch of Wellbeing

Are you suffering from stress? Do you feel overstrained or burned out? Then burnout coaching at Touch of Wellbeing is for you. During our coaching trajectory, we help you understand what is going on and, more importantly, we teach you to take the steps towards a life that makes you happy.

"Become happier, more vital and more energetic again: it is possible!"

What can you expect from our burnout coaching?

  • You will gain insight into what causes you stress.
  • You learn to listen to your body's signals.
  • You make more conscious choices about what is good for you.
  • You learn to relax when you need to.
  • You develop more effective ways to deal with difficult situations.
  • You learn to think in a solution-oriented and positive way.
  • You learn to set your boundaries in a healthy way.

The benefits of burnout coaching:

  • More energy and vitality.
  • Increased resistance to stress.
  • Stress becomes resilience.
  • Better night's sleep.
  • Worrying turns into constructive thinking.
  • Greater general well-being.
  • Go through life relaxed and happy.

Where can I get burnout coaching?

Our burnout coach is located in Hoegaarden. You have the option to receive coaching in our office or online. Our office is located at Henri Dotremontstraat 8, 3320 Hoegaarden . For companies we make an exception and offer the option to come on site.

Burn-out coaching.

Frequently asked questions about burnout and burnout coaching

  • How is burnout different from regular stress?

While stress is a normal response of the body to challenging situations, burnout can occur when stress becomes prolonged and overwhelming. Burnout is often accompanied by deep fatigue that does not go away after rest, a feeling of emotional exhaustion, and reduced performance at work or in daily life. Do you want to learn how to better manage stress and prevent it from escalating into burnout? Contact us for coaching and guidance.

  • What are the risk factors for developing burnout?

Risk factors for developing burnout include high workloads, lack of control over work, lack of support from colleagues or supervisors, lack of recognition for work performance, unclear expectations, and work-life imbalance. Want to learn how to recognize and reduce risk factors for burnout? Contact us for advice and support.

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  • How can I prevent burnout?

It is important to recognize when stress starts to build up and take measures to deal with it. This may include implementing stress management techniques, setting boundaries, seeking support from colleagues or professionals, creating a healthy work-life balance, and practicing regular relaxation exercises. Want to learn how to prevent burnout in the future? Contact us for coaching and training.

  • What is the difference between a burnout coach and a psychologist?

A burnout coach focuses specifically on coaching individuals who are dealing with burnout, stress, and related issues. They help clients identify stressors, develop effective coping strategies, restore energy, and create a healthy lifestyle. Burnout coaches often use practical techniques, advice, and support to help their clients through the recovery process.

A psychologist, on the other hand, specializes in diagnosing and treating various psychological conditions and problems. He can of course also work with people who are dealing with stress and burnout, but also guides more complex psychological problems.

The burnout coach is trained to distinguish during the intake whether the client is dealing with burnout or with depression or other problems that require psychological guidance.

The most important distinction between a burnout coach and a psychologist is therefore their specialization and the focus of their approach. At Touch of Wellbeing you are in good professional hands and you can count on careful guidance tailored to your request for help. Do you want professional guidance in dealing with burnout and stress? Contact us for more information about our burnout coaching services and how we can support you on your journey to recovery and well-being.

Start burnout coaching Other questions? Contact us!

Burnout coaching with Touch of Wellbeing

Burn out coach

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